Electronic Government Procurement (eGP) System for Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) on behalf of the Government of Zimbabwe
eGP System
The eGP System is a web based application managed by the Procurement Regulatory Authority ofZimbabwe (PRAZ) that enables all Procuring Entities(PEs) and bidders to electronically conduct end to end
procurement proceedings.
Implementation of the eGP System was part of Phase 2 of the Public Procurement Reforms (2015-2017)which gave birth to PRAZ in January 2018 through the PPDPA Act. The digitization of the public procurementprocesses was scheduled to start in 2019, however this could not commence due to lack of funding. In October 2022, Treasury availed funding for the implementation of a secure, end to end eGP system. The procurement process to engage the service provider began immediately. In July 2023 a service provider was engaged to design, develop and implement the eGP system. Resource mobilisation and implementation of
the system then began immediately
The eGP Service Providers
The providers are a Joint Venture comprising of Tenece Professional Services and Nextenders (India) Pvt. Ltd
EGP System Scope
The scope of the System will be implemented in Phases as follows:
Phase 1.1.
E-Registration including Secure Key Pair Management System, Procuring Entity Registration, Supporting Infrastructure Requirement, Standard Documents and Templates, Documents and Record Management, Procurement Plans and Budgets, e-Bidding/Tendering (Up to Opening of, Bids), Workflow Management, Complaints (Procurement Challenges), System Audit Provisions.
Phase 1.2.
Tendering e-Evaluation and e-Awarding, Contract Management, E-Invoicing, E Purchasing, Goods Delivery, EPayments and Remittances.
Phase 1.3.
Framework Agreements, Management Information System.
Phase 2.
Data Analytics, E-Catalogues, Spend Analyses, E-Auctions (Disposal of Assets), E-Reverse Auctions.
Transformational Effect of eGP System in Government
The progressive use of eGP System will result into irreversible transformation in the manner both the procuring entities and suppliers will be conducting public procurement efficiently, effectively and cost effectively and in a timely manner.
Advantages of EGP System
The eGP System offers opportunities that neither the private nor the public sector should miss.
eGP System will:
• Depending on usage of ICT in work environment, bridge the G2B digital gap with the private sector and
catalyse reform of public sector in modernizing the way procuring entities will carry out procurement
• Lower transaction costs in moving out from paper to digital and improve decision making by flattening
bureaucracy and breaking down silos.
• Generate management information on each procurement transaction that enables performance driven
• Increase speed of procurement transactions through relaxation of time and space constraints – connect
anytime from anywhere.
• Generate efficiency gains, increased transparency and accountability in use of
1. taxpayer’s money.
2. Lower potential for fraud and corruption.
3. Enhance competition and help lowering contract prices.
4. Shorten procurement cycle by compressing bid preparation time, minimize errors in bids,
improve bid quality and responsiveness through timelier information on all aspects of the
procurement and reduce risks of challenge and application for review.
5. Promote government policies for empowering the youth, women and localization.
The Critical Success Factors
The challenge is more of management commitment to change than a technological constraint.
It requires:
• Senior management collective commitment to harness change in process and remodel staff behavior in the new work set up to facilitate use of eGP System to carry their respective procurement.
• Management commitment at different levels and among many stakeholders in developing a
common understanding of the values of eGP System.
• Developing a strong partnership with the private industry with its network of bidder.
• Continuous training of the users of the eGP System.