Registration of Bidders and Contractors
The Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe will from this month, publish a weekly column entitled Public Procurement Matters to provide for clarification on
public procurement related matters. It is Public Procurement Matters in that it discusses issues relating to trade with the public sector. Public procurement matters in
that when done well, the general public is assured of efficient and effective public services.
It is the Government of Zimbabwe’s intention to purchase Goods, Services and Works from bidders that are properly registered and complying with all statutory
requirements governing the operations of business in the country. Accordingly, the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe shall register prospective bidders
that meet the requirements in line with the Procurement Regulations and in Categories specified by the Authority.
Mandatory Requirement.
Public entities shall enter into contracts with only registered bidders or contractors in terms of Section 4(2) of the Procurement Regulations. The Authority shall ensure
that public procurement is effected in a manner that is transparent, fair, honest, cost-effective, competitive and in compliance with PPDPAAct and to develop and
implement a transparent and equitable framework for the registration of bidders or contractors. Persons who by virtue of section 4 of the regulations are included in
the list are deemed to be “registered bidders and contractors” for the purposes of sections 6 (“Functions of Authority”) (1) (i) and 28 (“Participation by bidders”) of the
Act. It is therefore against this background that Management and Procurement Staff in Procuring Entities must understand that in terms of the PPDPAAct, it is the
sole mandate of the Authority to register all providers of products and services in the public sector.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Authority
In terms of Section 4 (2) of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets (General) Regulations, 2018, the Authority shall compile an annual list of registered
bidders and contractors that shall be eligible to bid and be awarded contracts with procuring entities.
Before framing a list, the Authority shall publish a notice in the Gazette, national newspapers and its website inviting prospective bidders and contractors to submit
applications for inclusion on the list of registered bidders and contractors.
Database of Registered Bidders
Prospective Bidders are expected to register on the portal and upload required company/individual documents and pay stipulated
registration fees. Prospective Bidders may apply for more than one (1) Category, provided they demonstrate capacity to supply. Once approved, a company shall
remain on the List of Registered Bidders for the approved Category for a period up to 31 December of each calendar year, subject to renewal annually.
Eligibility and Qualification Criteria
The requirements for registration of a company includes the memorandum and articles of association or other constitutive document of the company, together with its
certificate of incorporation, list of directors, head office and local physical address and particulars showing the relative extent of Zimbabwean and foreign
shareholding of the company
A mandatory requirement for eligibility is that, Bidders must have been registered with the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe as a Supplier and have
paid the applicable Supplier Registration Fee set out in the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets (General) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021 (No.3).
Documents Upload
– Bidders uploading documents on the portal are requested to scan their documents into PDF
– All documents that are more than five (5) pages require the first two (2) pages to be scanned, converted into PDF and uploaded
Mode of Payment
Payment is done through a bank transfer or on the portal using mobile banking platforms. The PRAZ system is integrated to mobile platforms gateway which is the
easiest and fast method of payment. This year registration for local companies may be done each quarter. It should be noted that for one to renew registration the
following year they should have paid the full amount of the registration/renewal if they decide to pay quarterly.
Query Procedures
All queries in connection with registration on the portal may be send on email addressed to or call our Toll free
line +263 712 899 505